Genesis 3:1-15 - Fall in Garden
Genesis 11:1-9 - Tower of Babel
Genesis 12:10-20 - Abram & Sarai
Sodom and Gomorha - Genesis 19:1-26 | 創 世 記 19:1-26
Genesis 28:12-22 - Jacob Ladder Dream
Genesis 35:1-5 - Back to Bethel
Genesis 37:2-11 - Joseph's Dreams
Genesis 40:1-23 - Joseph in Prison - 創世記 40:1-23
Exodus 1:8-22 (出 埃 及 记 1:8-22) - Slavery In Egypt
Exodus 2:1-10 - Moses Hidden At Birth
Exodus 2:11-25 (出 埃 及 记 2:11-25) - Moses Kills an Egyptian
Exodus 4:10-17 - Doubt of Moses
Passover - Exodus 12:1-13 | 出 埃 及 記 12:1-13
Exodus 14:5-14 - God, Pharaoh, Moses
Exodus 14:21-31 - Crossing the Red Sea
Exodus 15:22–27 - Moses At the Bitter Waters
Exodus 17:1-7 - Moses Rock One
Moses and Amalek - Exodus 17:8-16 | 出 埃 及 記 17:8-16
Numbers 14:36-45 - Slow Learners
Numbers 20:1-13 - Moses Rock Two
Numbers 21:1-9 - Brass Serpent
Joshua 5:12-6:5 - Joshua Meets Captain
1 Samuel 3:1-20 - Samuel Hears God Speaking
1 Samuel 13:6-14 - Saul Loses Kingship
1 Samuel 17:39-51 - Goliath’s Defeat
1 Samuel 24:1-12 - David & Saul’s Robe
1 Kings 3:16-28 (列 王 记 上 3:16-28) - King Solomon’s Wisdom
2 Kings 2:1-18 - Elijah: Chariot of Fire
2 Kings 8:1-6 - Elisha, King & Lady
Daniel 5:1-31 - Daniel: Handwriting On the Wall
Matthew 2:1-15 - Wise Men Seek
Matthew 6:25-33 - God’s Provision
Matthew 8:5-13 - Centurion's Faith
Matthew 14:13-21 (马 太 福 音 14:13-21) - Feeding 5,000
Matthew 14:22-33 - Walking on Water
Matthew 15:21-31 - Demonized Daughter Healed
Matthew 17:1-9 - Transfiguration
Matthew 17:1-9 - Transfiguration
Matthew 18:21-35 (马 太 福 音 18:21-35) - Forgiving Others
Matthew 25:14-30 - Story of the Talents - 馬可福音 25:14-30
Matthew 28 16-20 - Great Commission
Mark 1:21-28 - Jesus Demoniac in Synagogue
Mark 2:1-12 - Paralyzed Lowered
Mark 4:35-41 - Storm & Jesus in Boat
Mark 3:31-35 - Who is in God’s Family?
Mark 4:1-20 - The Four Soils – 馬 可 福 音 4:1-20
Mark 4:35-41 - Asleep in the Storm
Mark 5:1-20 - Man Who Lived Among the Dead - 馬可福音 5:1-20
Mark 5:22–43 - Jairus' Daughter & Bleeding Woman
Mark 6:1-6 - Jesus in Hometown
Mark 6:14-29 - John Baptist’s Death - 馬 可 福 音 6:14-29
Mark 7:31-37 - Deaf and Mute Man Healed
Mark 8:22-26 - Blind Man Healed
Mark 10:17-31 (马 可 福 音)- Rich Young Ruler
Mark 10:46-52 - Blind Bartimaeus
Luke 4:1-15 (路 加 福 音 4:1-15) - Testing of Jesus
Luke 5:27-32 - Jesus Calls a Tax Collector
Luke 6:46-49 - Wise and Foolish Builders
Luke 7:1-10 (路 加 福 音 7:1-10) - Centurion’s Servant Healed
Luke 7:11-17 - Widow's Son Raised
Luke 7:36-50 - A Sinful Woman Anoints Jesus - 路 加 福 音 7:36-50
Luke 10:1-12,16-21 - Sending of the Seventy - 路 加 福 音 10:1-12, 16-21
Luke 10:25-37 - Good Samaritan
Luke 15:1-10 - Lost Sheep and Lost Coin
Luke 18:1-5 - Story of the Widow and the Unjust Judge
Luke 19:1-10 - Zacchaeus’ Story
Luke 19:28-40 - Triumphal Entry
Luke 22:54-62 - Peter’s Denial
Luke 23:32-43 - Jesus Crucified with Two Criminals
John 2:1-11 - Marriage & Wine
John 3:1-21 - Nicodemus Comes to Jesus Secretly - 约翰福音 3:1-21
John 4:46-54 - Jesus Heals a Nobleman’s Son
John 8:2-11 - Forgiveness of Adulteress
John 21:1-19 - Feed My Sheep - 約翰福音 21:1-19
John 20:19-29 - Jesus Appears To His Disciples
Acts 1:4-5, 8-11 - Jesus Ascends to Heaven
Acts 3:1-10 - Silver Gold Healing
Acts 4:13-22 - Peter and John Preach
Acts 4:32-35; 5:1-16 - Punishment of Ananias and Sapphira - 使徒行傳 4:32-35; 5:1-16
Acts 6:1-7 - Trouble in the Church
Acts 8:5-25 - The Evangelist and the Magician - 使徒行傳 8:5-25
Acts 8:26-39 (使 徒 行 传 8:26-39) - Conversion of the Ethiopian Official
Acts 9:36-43 - Peter: Dorcus Raised from the Dead
Acts 13:1-12 (使 徒 行 傳 13:1-12) - Paul: the First Missionary Journey
Acts 18:1-18, 21-22 - Paul Plants a Church at Corinth - 使 徒 行 傳 18:1-18, 21-22
Acts 19:11-20 - Paul: Seven Brothers Flee
Acts 14:8-18 - Paul & Barnabas Are Worshipped
Acts 20:7-12 - Fall Out Window
Acts 20:7-12 - Paul: Eutychus Falls Asleep in Church